Thursday, September 21, 2006


i havent been able to sleep since school started. which sucks ass. 1. i have some issues falling asleep. cant seem to shut my mind off. like imagine repeating lines in a song in your head over and over again. imagine thinking about something you saw during the day over and over again. imagine thinking about how the song youre repeating is connected to what you saw today. get the point? ok so i finally fall asleep. and before you know it. im up again. up again at a time in which the sun...yes the fucking sun is still yawning. something is fucking wrong with my biological clock. not in the way a woman needs to either get pregnant or loose the ability to. but in the, how come my body wont let me sleep for a good 8 hours? fuck man. and the worse thing is being up a few hours too fucking early and not being able to bloody go back to sleep again. it makes no sense to me. coz when i wake up. guess what happens. YEPPERS!!! the song and thought ive been having while attempting to fall asleep the night before. creeps back.

"so please...give me another write you another song...take back the things ive done"

yes. the new song im currently obsessing over right now by jizzle tizzle. like a friend of mine said. the only good song on his new album. i personally think the album is pretty good. kinda funky, which i like. but dude should stay with the slow ballads coz hes got that soul white boy thing going on. anyways...

waking up early is not without an upside. yes. i was up so early that i went to mcdonalds and got myself some fucking breakfast baby. the good ol sausage mc muffin. hands down my favorite thing from the clown fast food chain. yummers.

back to bitching...

my heart hole is still there. i kinda have an idea of what i need to fill it up with. its gonna take some work but meh...we'll see how it goes. but ya. this lack of sleep affects me in so many freaking ways. 1. my brain isnt as sharp as it is. and believe me. on a good day. im sharper than a hatori hanso sword. but for the past two weeks. i feel like i couldnt even cut warm butter. and due to the lack of brain functions. my motor skills seem much slower. which is very dangerous when im on the road. even with my excellent automotive skillz. and damn my decision making skills seem so affected right now its not even funny. im loosing my charm. and that my friends is really all i got. and without that. i really cant do much. especially trying to fill that hole. so please. GIMME SOME JUICY SLEEP!!!

"so please...give me another write you another song...take back the things ive done" DAMN IT!!!

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